Sunday, September 30, 2007


As you can see I mistakenly put Yotam's picture (and a half naked one at that!) on the Yeshiva blog...I was trying to start a new one for him, sorry! Well there he is, the kid you all inspired with your learning all summer, who under your influence will hopefully grow into a great talmid haham!
Motherhood has given me a new perspective on a lot of things, including "mitzvot aseh shehazman grama" (positive time bound mitzvot) and "guf naki" (a clean body, one reason given for why women are exempt from the mitzvah of tefillin.) As a parent my time is not my own in a way I never could have imagined and I find myself (and my husband) almost constantly doused in various bodily fluids!
I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on the subject. This experience has changed the way I think about obligation to mitzvot in general, an issue we had planned on exploring more during the summer, but didn't quite get to.
Shana Tova to all!

Yotam's bath

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